Dead Sea, Jordan. September 11 - 15, 2006.
"Peace Within, Peace With Each Other, Peace With Nature"
: WYPS News

Young Voices for Change sound
out at the United Nations

Bangkok, Thailand - September 13, 2005

Youth Leaders at the World Economic Forum
Dead Sea, Jordan - May 20-22, 2005

WYPS Secretariat Staff visit the adopted school in rural Thailand
Pichit, Thailand - May 25, 2005

: Events
World Youth Peace Vigil
October 28, 2004

WYPS Japan
Tokyo, Japan -
August 5, 2004

WYPS Taipei
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C. - July 7, 2004

European Regional Summit
Sarajevo, B&H - May 7-10, 2004

Asia-Pacific Regional Summit
Bangkok, Thailand - February 24-29, 2004

WYPS India
Bangalore, India - December 7-9, 2003

Kyoto Planning Session
Kyoto, Japan - April 8-11, 2003

World Youth Quest for Peace

: Gold Star Sponsors

Dr. B.K. Modi
Founding Chairman, Modi Foundation

Master Sheng Yen

Founder, Dharma Drum Mountain


: Letters of Support

: WYPS News & Announcements

Young Voices for Change sound out at the United Nations in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand
September 13 , 2005

World Youth Peace Summit staff and partners enjoyed an exciting day of debate at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok on September 12, 2005. Entitled ‘Young Voices for Change’, the forum brought together over 200 young people aged between 15 and 25 to discuss pressing issues of reform to the UN system. The World Youth Peace Summit was honoured to assist in the planning and promotion of the dynamic youth forum, and would like to thank the dedicated staff at the United Nation Information Services and the young leaders who made the event a real success.

The youth forum coincided with the opening of the United Nations General Assembly 2005 World Summit and featured a theme based on UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s recently released report, “In Larger Freedom”. The program centred on an engaging panel discussion about the four key elements of the In Larger Freedom report: ‘freedom from want’, ‘freedom from fear’, ‘freedom to live in dignity’ and ‘strengthening the United Nations’. This was followed by group sessions and presentations that demonstrated the depth of passion and intelligence among the assembled group. The youth also enjoyed a statement and performance by popular Thai star Lydia, and a gripping speech from a young HIV/AIDS activist who outlined the challenges of her work in Southern Thailand.


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